Bitcoin Script

Key note: Blockchain Script | Free Bitcoin | Free Cryptocurrencies | Bitcoin Script | Educational

Blockchain Unconfirmed Transactions are Transactions displayed on Blockchain Explorer with Keys hidden in them. This keys are deeply embedded in these transactions singly, and all transactions has its own phrase keys uniquely. This keys are the "12 word phrases" that appear in lower-case letters. - When you create a new Bitcoin wallet, you find these word phrases in a strategic section on the app, and you're told to keep them a secret. These are called '12 word phrase seed'.

Blockchain Script extracts these 12 words phrase keys on this transactions and display them on the top of your screen.

These keys are used to login any transaction on the blockchain network and further actions can be taken. This transactions take long to get confirmed hence a lot of keys can be generated from different transactions.

Below are the steps in using Phrase Script.
- We have also detailed it all in Procedure file that comes along with Script file, and a Video file attached showing steps.

Hence you will receive three files to your email address. ✓Procedure file   ✓Script file and a ✓Video file.

How This Works

Get a PC or a Mobile Phone and be connected to the internet.

Go to Unconfirmed Transaction Explorer: "" (On a new Tab)

- How to use Blockchain 12 word phrase Script for any unconfirmed transaction.

1) Choose any Unconfirmed Transaction.
2) Right Click on mouse and Choose "inspect" (Ctrl+Shift+I).
3) Copy Code of Script.
4) Go in "Console" tab, Clear console, paste Script and hit the ENTER key.
5) Follow procedure as blockchain directs. Blockchain would want to verify your account.
6) Upon successful verification, reload script again on console and hit the Enter key on your keyboard.
Copy the 12 word phrase displayed by your Script on screen - (Phrase Keys should be copied at once)
7) Next, go to Blockchain Login page in New Tab and use the 'Recovery Funds' Method to login the wallet containing the BTC.

8) Send out all the bitcoin to an external wallet address of yours. Be fast at this.
- If wallet contains other cryptocurrency, Send out All.

9) Check/Refresh your wallet and transaction completed!

VIDEO STEP           

PC or a Mobile Phone can be used.

On mobile phone, steps are written in procedure file. This comes with pictures and a video file. This would require a very easy tweaking which we've shown in the procedure file.

(Phrase Keys are 12 words and should be copied at once).

Use script on all Blockchain Explorers. Explorer changes. Use script the same way on all blockchain explorers.


This is for earning purpose. Do not savage transactions on blockchain network!

Note: Script servers are updated every 4 days and it automatically updates your script file. No further action is required on your part. Scripts automatically updates every 4 days to keep it highly effective with maximum efficiency.
• You do not have to get another script after getting your script.
👉Advice: Split coins to other wallets. Do not pile up all coins in just a single wallet. Send to other wallets and sell coins for Cash.

We put script out for $42 - this comes with other files, procedure file and a video file.

To get script file, click on the proceed button.

Very Important Notice!:  Note That Script file Is Not Shareable. A Script file cannot function for two users; [No two or more persons can use a Single script file]. Hence no other script is safe.  -  We do not share Partnership or Alliance with Any Platform, Person, Organization, or Website. We stand alone. And this remains our Only Official Website. Be Informed!!     We remain committed to making Scripts solely for the purpose of Crypto earnings.  ---  Ensure you're visiting "". This will lead you to "".


✓ We advise users to use script file on transactions not more than $35k at once. This can be done multiple times with no limit.
Script can be used at anytime, on any transaction advisably not more than $35k.
•Blockchain Explorers are sensitive to script injections and hence do not permit the use of a single script file by multiple users, only a single user. A process on Blockchain Network enables script not to be usable by other users, but only a single user. Hence, Script is unshareable.
This has been stated in Procedure file.
•No, you do not need a VPN or RDP for this. We made this for earning purpose and educational purposes mainly.
•No, you must not have a blockchain wallet before you can use script.
Script generates the 12 word phrase of transactions on Explorer, and coins can be sent to any bitcoin wallet.

•You could be lucky to find some wallets with other cryptocurrencies in them, send out all to your crypto wallet. Only swap coins in your wallet after sending into your wallet. Do not swap coins in senders wallet.
•Any location Bitcoin exists. As long as Blockchain explorer/mempool link can be accessed - "". Hence anyone can use Bitcoin Script.